About Us

Since November 1st, 2018, CE Marketplace, a division of Michigan Realtors®, has assumed the responsibility of tracking of continuing education credits for Michigan Real Estate Licensees in addition to reviewing and certifying real estate continuing education content meets the standards set forth by the Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs.

CE Marketplace Mission

Michigan Realtors® has worked with the Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs (LARA) to establish CE Marketplace, a user-friendly website for real estate brokers and salespersons to easily track their continuing education credit hours in Michigan. CE Marketplace also gives continuing education providers a streamlined, real-time process for course approval based on certification standards previously set by LARA.

Why Michigan Realtors?

Michigan Realtors® represents more than half of all real estate licensees in the state and is the leading resource for professional development, knowledge exchange, and wide-ranging business services.

Monitor your CE History

If you are a Michigan real estate licensee, you can utilize CE Marketplace to view your certified credits reported on your behalf. For a course to count towards the continuing education requirements, the course must be submitted by the provider and certified by CE Marketplace. Attendance is reported to your profile in CE Marketplace by the course provider within 10 business days.

Licensed real estate professionals in Michigan must complete at least 18 clock hours of continuing education every three years. Within the three-year licensing cycle, licensees must complete 2 hours of legal credit every year involving law, rules, and court cases regarding real estate. In addition, licensees must also complete one hour of Fair Housing credit in each licensing year. The remaining 9 credit hours may be credits of any type (Legal, Elective, or Fair Housing) and be completed at any time during the three-year period.

In the event of a continuing education audit, LARA will review your CE Marketplace profile to measure compliance. It is the individual responsibility of licensees to assure the accuracy of their continuing education history.

Mandatory Since 2018

As of November 1, 2018, LARA requires review and certification of continuing education courses for real estate brokers and salespersons in Michigan by CE Marketplace in order to count towards licensee renewal requirements. Courses and credit hours that are not certified by CE Marketplace cannot be used towards license renewal requirements. All Michigan real estate licensees may register their user profile on CE Marketplace at no cost to track their continuing education compliance.