Questions regarding Michigan real estate continuing education?
Contact us at 844-642-6633 (844-MICONED)

Commonly used terms:

School: The entity or organization that will submit courses for certification and/or host a certified class and assume the responsibility for monitoring, tracking and uploading the attendee list to the CE Marketplace within 10 business days.

Educator/Instructor: An individual who acts upon behalf of the School, has experience and knowledge in the subject matter and will instruct the class to provide the continuing education session.

Licensee: Individual who holds a real estate salesperson and/or broker license in the State of Michigan.

Course: Schools submit materials and content for review and certification of a specific course. Courses are connected to a primary School, and once certified, the School may also add additional instructors. Each course will have a unique identifier for licensees to reference to assist in avoiding duplicate course completion.

Class: A certified course session scheduled with by a hosting School and licensee attendance will be reported to CE Marketplace within 10 business days. Upcoming class sessions can be found on the CE Marketplace Calendar.

Certification: CE Marketplace certification means that the course content has been reviewed and certified to conform to the standards for real estate continuing education set forth by the Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs.


Q: How do I get registered to track my continuing education as a Michigan Real Estate Licensee?
To get started, you will first need to register your account here. To get registered, you will need your FULL 10-digit Michigan license number. If you are unsure of your license number, you can look up your license information via the LARA lookup tool (opens in a new window).

In the event you have multiple active individual licenses, you may locate your record with any of the active 10 digit license number you are associated with. Once you have located your information in our system, you can generate a unique registration token to your email address on file to complete the registration process. 

If you are not receiving the registration email token, or notice the email address listed in our records is outdated, please contact us using our Contact Form or by phone at 844-642-6633 to get assistance in registering.

If you are a new licensee, your information will be available in our system within the month following your license issue date. Please do not create an account until your individual license number has been added to our records.

Q: Why am I not seeing all of my continuing education credits? I have taken courses that are not appearing in your system.
Only courses that have been certified by CE Marketplace will show a completion in your profile. As of 11/1/2018, providers of real estate continuing education Michigan are required to have their courses certified by CE Marketplace in order to count towards renewal requirements.

Please allow up to 10 business days for the individual provider to report CE completion to your profile.  

Q: Who will track continuing education credits in 2018 and beyond?
CE Marketplace provides an individual profile for all active Michigan real estate licensees to track their certified CE completions. LARA has access to licensee profiles to verify CE compliance.

Q: Which courses will fulfill the legal credit and fair housing credit requirements?
CE Marketplace will review courses submitted for legal and fair housing certification based upon the requirements set forth by Michigan law. For a course to be considered legal credit the course content must involve laws, rules and court cases regarding real estate. For a course to be considered fair housing credit, the course must contain content that involve compliance with local, state, or federal fair housing laws.

Q: How will I know if I’ve taken the same course twice?
The CE Marketplace certification process assigns a unique identifier to each course. Licensees will be able to log into the database to view which courses they have taken and for how many credit hours. If you complete the same course twice during the same three-year licensing cycle, it cannot count this duplicate credit towards your renewal requirements. Please be aware that it is the responsibility of the licensee to assure they have not completed a duplicate course in the same licensing cycle.

Q: Will there be a cost to licensees to utilize CE Marketplace?
For licensees there will not be a cost to access the CE Marketplace to review their CE Marketplace credit history and maintain their profile. 

Q: Will out-of-state courses qualify for CE credit?
Out-of-state courses will still be required to be “relevant to the management, operation and practice of real estate or any other subject that contributes to the professional competence of a licensee or applicant.” and follow the same course submission procedures. Content submitted to CE Marketplace for legal credit should be specific to Michigan when referencing state specific law.


Q: Where do we submit class outlines for certification?
Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs (LARA) is no longer pre-approving courses or recording continuing education hours for licensees as of December 31, 2014. CE Marketplace provides for the tracking of continuing education credits as well as a streamlined process for course certification based on audit standards previously established by LARA. Courses can be submitted to CE Marketplace for certification and inclusion in our tracking system, so that licensees are able to track their earned credits.  

Q: Which classes will fulfill the Michigan 2 hour legal requirement?
CE Marketplace will review courses submitted for legal certification based upon the requirement set forth by law. Legal courses will be required to involve law, rules and court cases regarding real estate. Legal courses may be submitted for one hour (50 instruction minutes), though be advised licensees will need to complete two hours (100 instruction minutes) of legal in each licensing year to remain compliant.

Q: Which classes will fulfill the Michigan 1 hour fair housing requirements?
CE Marketplace will review courses submitted for fair housing credit certification based upon the requirement set forth by Michigan law. Fair housing courses will be required to involve compliance with local, state, or federal fair housing laws. Fair housing courses may be submitted in increments of one hour (50 instruction minutes), though be advised licensees must complete one hour of Fair Housing credit per year based on their individual licensing periods to remain compliant.

Q: Will there be a cost to submit courses to the CE Marketplace?
The cost to submit a course for the current licensing cycle is $45 per course. You may optionally expedite your review for an additional cost. Your course submission will be reviewed based on the audit criteria created by the Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs. CE Marketplace will issue an email completion verification and track the education hours of all of the course attendees once uploaded by the provider upon certification.   Attendees may also view, email or print course completion certificates from their CE Marketplace profile

Q: How long will it take my course to be certified through CE Marketplace?
Courses submitted by an approved School with all of the required information including course description, timed outline and other relevant documents will be reviewed within 10 business days. To keep course reviews efficient and timely, please respond to any questions regarding your course as quickly as possible. Course review may be expedited for an additional fee. 

Q: Where do I submit the attendance verification for attendees?
Schools will upload the standardized attendee list to a unique "class code" that is assigned when the school has scheduled a class session of a certified course in our system. 

Q: Will there be a cost to host a class through the CE Marketplace?
An approved school will be charged a $1.00 per attendee administrative fee when the class attendee list is uploaded to the CE Marketplace site.  

Q: How long does the School have to upload the verification of attendance CE Marketplace once the class is finished?
List of attendees will need to be uploaded with the required information to the CE Marketplace site within 10 business days of the conclusion of the class. CE Marketplace will email a notification to class attendees upon receiving the uploaded attendee list and successful awarding of credit.